Volume 40 - Issue 9 - March 4, 2021
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Request for Comments
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments and recommendations from the public regarding the FFY 2021 Kansas Infant-Toddler Grant Application under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Final IDEA Part C Regulations published on September 28, 2011. Funds from this grant will enable the continuance of a statewide comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary system of services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
The grant application may be reviewed for 60-days from the publication of this notice at www.ksits.org, or a hard copy may be requested by calling 785-296-6135 or 1-800-332-6262.
In order to be assured consideration in this grant process, comments will be accepted during this 60-day period. Recommendations or comments must be submitted on or before May 4, 2021 to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Kansas Infant Toddler Services, Bureau of Family Health, Suite 220, Curtis State Office Building, 1000 SW Jackson, Topeka, KS 66612-1274. Comments also may be sent by email to heather.staab@ks.gov.
Lee A. Norman, M.D.
Doc. No. 048905